Monday, August 29, 2011

Get out your #2 pencil

I thought it was time for a quiz.  I know you like the staff members at the St. Louis org.  Let's see how well you really know them.

1.  57% of the voting age population voted in the 2008 election.  What percentage of staff members who were eligible to vote went to the polls?

a.  40%
b.  57%
c.  74%
d.  97%

2.  38% of the voting age population voted in the 2010 election.  What percentage of staff members voted?

a.  13%
b.  36%
c.  50%
d.  66%

3.  55% of the US population has attended "some college" or has gotten a degree.  What percentage of staff members have at least "some college" or have gotten a sheepskin?

a.  24%
b.  33%
c.  54%
d.  66%

4.  20% of the US population smokes cigarettes.  What percentage of staff members of the St. Louis org smoke?

a.  8%
b.  16%
c.  24%
d.  40%

5.  The average length of time on a job in the US is currently 6 years.  What is the average tenure of the current St. Louis org staff member?

a.  2.5 years
b.  5 years
c.  6 years
d.  9 years


1.  The average tenure of the Executive Director of a non profit is 6.1 years.  How long has the current Executive Director held his position?

a.  Who's that?
b.  4 years
c.  8 years
d. 12 years


What is the date when the St. Louis Church of Scientology moved into its current building at 6901 Delmar?


1. D  97% of staff members voted in 2008.
2. D  66% of staff members voted in 2010.
3. D  66% of staff members have attended at least some college.
4. A  6% of staff members smoke cigarettes.
5. D  The average tenure of our current staff members is 9 years, with Robin and Carla topping the list at 34 and 31 years respectively.
The answer to the extra credit question is D, 12 years.  I just hit my 20 year anniversary as a staff member in June... Happy to be here :)
The answer to the extra extra credit question is October 31, 1997.

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