Let's confront this map. What is this?
No.... it is not an extended suburb of California.
It is not "corn and nothing more."
Nor is it a way stop on the way to New York.
This is the Midwest.
This is the home of millions of amazing people, who are stereotypically known as caring and friendly people.
This is the home of Neil Armstrong, Walt Disney and Abraham Lincoln. Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were born here. Mark Twain plied his trade here.
I've often said that a new civilization will be born here. My reasons are quite specific. The people are real. They see when something needs to be done, and without much fuss, just get it done. This is an important trait when discussing such things as improving moral standards in society - we have less distance to go here than.... elsewhere. (Sheila, shop glaring at me.)
We are holding a Midwest Scientology conference on October 1st and 2nd in Chicago. We will be providing the transportation for all Scientologists who want to go - leaving Saturday mid morning and returning on Sunday evening. The only cost to you is the cost of the hotel room that night - food, entertainment and transportation are all taken care of. We will have an opportunity to talk with some of the people who are making Ideal orgs happen around the world, in a beautiful venue over amazing food, and meet some of the parishioners from all corners of the Midwest.
This is an opportunity for St. Louis to arrive in force and demonstrate who we are.
I'd like you to come with me - I think it'll be a great time and these sorts of trips have always produced amazing results. And, as Mark Twain said, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Let me know that you can attend so I can reserve your seat!
As things happen, I'll post them. I give no guarantee regarding the entertainment value of this blog.
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