I recently came across definitive proof that you are good. I thought I'd tell you about it.
A few days ago, I had the privilege of talking with one of our new parishioners. He has been receiving full-time counselling with Carla and as a result, he's glowingly happy. This guy is walking around the church with his head held high, bursting with enthusiasm and willing to talk to anyone who will listen about "how good this stuff is."
Seeing him so chipper, I dug up the success he'd written and read it myself. It said that life seemed fresh and new, that he was noticing his environment as if he were young again, and that he'd regained some of his hearing.
The fact that his hearing had improved struck me as an unusually good success story, and I met with him to discuss it.
When I sat down to talk to him, he happily told me all about his bettered perceptions and several other wins. However, he had a complaint - he said that he couldn't figure out how to tell friends and family "about this stuff" so that they would also want it. The concept that he would be unable to successfully get others "in the know" was a heavy burden for him.
I've heard this same statement repeatedly - in fact, this impulse is a major driving force in our fundraising efforts - when people have something that works, they want to share it with others. In fact, they donate and volunteer long hours; not to benefit themselves, but to help people they don't even know and may never meet. Isn't that a wonderful illustration of the goodness of people?
Evil people would use any devices to keep others from learning about themselves and how to get along better in life. Evil people would not want those in their vicinity to survive better. But, the world over, people daily make efforts to help others find their way through life. This phenomena isn't merely confined to Scientology. It is the datum behind "word of mouth." Try as they might, advertisers can't create "word of mouth" about a product that isn't any good. This is clear-cut proof that Misery, in fact, doesn't love, much less want company. Happiness, however, does.
Word of mouth is generated by a product or service that is useful and valuable. This then creates in people the desire to share it with their friends. Every time you've been invited to attend a friend's church service or see a movie, they were trying to help you. They didn't try to get you to do it because it was horrible for them. Every time you told your mother about a new shampoo or gave a cousin a Dianetics book, it was not because you were evil, but because you were (and are) good.
As things happen, I'll post them. I give no guarantee regarding the entertainment value of this blog.
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